How to Write a Thesis Statement? All Steps Covered

The thesis is one of the most important and tough parts of your degree. Moreover, it can be even more difficult if you do not understand each and every element of the thesis. This is why we are here to help you. In this article, we will tell you how to write a thesis statement, what it actually is, what it should contain, what it should not contain, and basically everything that you need to know. So, without any further delay, let’s just jump on to the main topic so that you can have a smooth thesis writing experience. 

Thesis Statement: An Overview

Thesis Statement: An Overview

Before learning how to write a thesis statement, let’s first understand what it is. A thesis-statement is a single-line sentence that contains the main objective of your entire research. This one sentence should be able to explain why you are conducting the research, what you want to derive from the research, and what exactly you want to prove at the end of your research. 

The main purpose of this statement is to let the reader know why you have put in so much hard work just by reading that one sentence. In simple words, a thesis-statement is basically a sentence explaining your position. Moreover, the most important thing that you must consider while writing a statement is that it should not be a fact that has already been proven; it should be a simple sentence on which people from different opinions can argue. 

How to Write a Thesis Statement? 

Now that you know what is a thesis statement, let’s move ahead and see how to write a thesis statement. In this section, we will explain to you the step-by-step process of writing a perfect statement. You will also get a few thesis statement example. Here is how to write a thesis-statement: 

1. Come Up with a Question 

As soon as you decide on the main topic of your thesis, write the initial questions that come up in your mind related to the topic. It can be related to the gaps or voids available in the topic or incomplete facts about your topic. These questions will help you give direction to your thesis statement. For example, if your topic is copyright laws in India, then some of the questions related to this topic can be: 

  • Whether the copyright laws in India strong enough to protect against the copyright infringement of content on the Internet?
  • Are the copyright laws of India better than foreign countries? (Comparison between 2 to 3 countries can be done)
  • Are the copyright laws in India executed properly?

2. Write a Rough Answer 

Once you have a list of questions related to your subject matter, research about them and try to write their answers. Even if the answer is small or just a yes or no, try to write the answer in your own words. The whole intention of this step is to build a foundation for your thesis. 

3. Finalize Your Answer 

Now that you have answers to your questions, you need to do proper research about them and try to write a long and detailed answer to them. At this point, you need to elaborate on the basics of your answer and attach the proofs along with it. 

4. Complete the Thesis Statement 

Now that you have a strong foundation and enough knowledge on the topic, it is time to complete your thesis-statement. Make sure that your statement is able to explain the purpose of your research. Here are a few things that you must consider while writing your thesis-statement: 

  • It must contain the important keywords of your research. 
  • A thesis-statement should be a simple statement and not a pre-proved fact. 
  • It should tell the reader why you hold this position. 
  • It should be able to tell what people will learn after reading the thesis. 
  • The statement needs to be a simple and short sentence.  

Qualities that Your Thesis Statement Must Have

Qualities that Your Thesis Statement Must Have

After the above discussion, you know what a thesis statement template looks like. In order to write a good thesis-statement, it needs to have some particular qualities. Here are those qualities: 

1. Short and Simple

For a thesis to be good, it needs to be a short and simple sentence. The whole objective of a thesis statement is to let the reader know what your thesis is all about. 

2. Arguable 

If your statement is a simple fact, then it is not a good thesis-statement. In order to write a good thesis-statement, you need to make sure that it is something that has not been proven yet and on which people from different opinions can argue. 

3. Important Keywords

Your thesis-statement needs to have the important keywords in it, that too, in such a manner that your thesis does not look bulky and over-stuffed. 

4. Complete 

The statement should be written in such a manner that it is complete in itself. It should be self-explanatory and should signify the objective of the research. 

5. Coherent

Generally, in a thesis-statement, there are two sentences that are joined together. While writing your statement, you need to make sure that those two statements are connected to each other, as well as the rest of your research, properly. 

Where to Write a Thesis Statement? 

In a thesis, you need to write the thesis-statement after the introduction of the subject matter. This way, the reader first gets to know about your subject matter and then the reason for your research around the subject matter. Once you write the introduction, you can put a simple heading named Thesis Statement and then write your thesis-statement. After this, you can move ahead with the rest of your thesis. 

Different Types of Statements

Different Types of Thesis Statements

In the end, it is time to discuss the types of thesis-statements. Which type of statement would be best for your thesis completely depends on your topic and the approach you use to carry out the research. Here are the 3 main types of thesis-statements: 

1. Argumentative Thesis Statement

In the argumentative thesis statement, you basically take a stand in the argument, and later in your thesis, you explain why you have taken that stand. A good thesis statement examples under argumentative can be: 

Technology has reduced our relationships with people because, in reality, it disconnects us from the people and does not foster any social skills. 

In this sentence, the writer has made a very clear statement that technology has a negative effect on human relationships. 

2. Analytical Thesis Statement

In this type of statement, the writer states that he or she is going to analyze the subject matter or any issue or void related to it in detail. It can be done with the help of research, lab experiments, etc. 

3. Expository Thesis Statement

In the expository statement, the sentence is complete and self-explanatory. Here, you write a sentence and then explain it further in your thesis with the help of statistics and examples. 

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions 

Q1. What is a thesis statement?

A thesis-statement is basically a simple sentence that explains why you have conducted the entire research. It should be complete and self-explanatory. 

Q2. Can a thesis statement be a question?

Of course, a thesis-statement can definitely be a question. However, make sure that the question is written in an interactive tone. 

Q3. How long a thesis-statement can be?

Your thesis-statement needs to be short. For a good statement, it should be a single sentence. However, if you are not able to conclude everything in one sentence, you can use two sentences as well. 

Q4. What is the main aim of a thesis-statement?

The main aim of a thesis statement is to let the reader know why you have done this research and what the reader will get to know after reading your entire thesis. 

Q5. Where does the thesis-statement come in a thesis?

You need to write the thesis-statement after the introduction. This way, the reader first gets information about the subject matter and then the issue related to it. 


All in all, writing a thesis statement is a tough task, but it can be made easy if you take the right steps. Moreover, while writing your statement, make sure that you use the important keywords and write it in the right tone. Along with this, the statement also needs to be precise, coherent, and short. We hope this guide was helpful to you. 

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